【109學年度第2學期第1次管理學院提升教學品質演講】3/8 吳侃教授 - Industry 4.0 and its applications

一、 時 間:110年3月8日(一) 中午12:10-14:00
二、地 點:管理大樓7樓B區工商系大會議室
三、 研習時數:2小時
四、 主講人:吳侃教授 / 工商管理學系
五、 講 題:Industry 4.0 and its applications
摘 要:
The term of Industry 4.0 was first used in 2011 at the Hannover Fair and has become a fashion. Many organizations want to enjoy the benefit of Industry 4.0 through introducing new technologies, such as cyber-physical systems, IoT, AI or 3D printing. However, it is often not clear how those technologies are related to the objective of Industry 4.0, and the concept of Industry 4.0 is sometimes obscure to the public and even researchers. Nevertheless, implementing the technologies should aim at improving an organization's competitiveness, but not just following a fashion. In this talk, the concept of Industry 4.0 will be explained. The roles of different technologies and their relations with Industry 4.0 will be clarified. To have a better understanding of a smart factory, case studies from semiconductor manufacturing are given. After the seminar, you should have a clearer picture of different industrial revolutions in human history, as well as the future trend to improve the competitiveness of manufacturing systems.
六、 參與對象:管理學院教師
七、 報名截止日期:110年3月7日(日)
八、 聯絡人:管理學院許惠玲秘書(分機5401)
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